Friday, September 22, 2006

Guaranteed Winning GOP Platform

Why doesn't Bush do a Kennedy. "I am putting forward an initiative today that will result in US energy independence by the year 2015, followed by a 50% reduction in the use of carbon based energy by 2020. This will be accomplished through innovation, capital investment, and conservation, all designed with improving the US and world economies, not detracting from them." Like the Moon plan, the president would need to spell out some basic strategies, but primarily make a call to the country to invest money, time, effort, and intensity into these important goals. Finally, where the man landing was a very clear goal, it would be important to spell out the specific ways that we would measure success.

Potentially, the measurable goal on energy independence could be that we would be a net exporter of energy. In other words, we might still be importing oil, but we would be offsetting that with net exports of liquid hydrogen or biomass.

Please show me where I'm wrong. Is there even 20% of the population that would not agree with this platform? All liberals, if they were honest, would have to applaud this idea. Almost all conservatives would agree with the energy independence plank, and a very substantial portion would either agree with the reduction in carbon fuels, or at least not be opposed. Conservatives would be concerned about how much was coerced by government, and how much was encouragement of industry.

And I am absolutely convinced that these goals could be met. Based on my reading of the current status of various approaches to solving these two issues, all it would take would be a major initiative, and we are very likely to hit these goals and more.

There is a very real reason why this will not be put forth by a sitting president of either party, and maybe not even be a serious platform plank for the 2008 election on either side. Tell me what you think these reasons would be.

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