The very brightest and most gifted Christian artists in the fields of music, art, literature, and film, left the field for a generation. There are various explanations for this, but I’ll leave others to wax wise on that subject. The great news for the 21st Century is the return of excellent writers to the Christian realm. It is now possible for even the most voracious consumer of fiction to fill their plate with 100% contemporary Christian authors.
While on vacation, I was pleased to add two more excellent writers to my list of favorites. Reviews of “Directed Verdict” by Randy Singer and “Proof” by Jack Cavanaugh and Bill Bright will appear elsewhere on this blog as I find the time to do a proper job of it. The really good news about Cavanaugh is that he has written a number of other books, providing a potential treasure trove of future reading. I suppose I should have already been aware of this gifted author, as he has won numerous awards for his other works.
While I was enjoying those two books, my wife, Pam, was telling me once or twice a day just how much she was enjoying “Redemption” by Karen Kingsbury with Gary Smalley. Yes, that Gary Smalley. The one you see on the infomercials or hear on Focus on the Family. Like Cavanaugh, I have never heard of Karen Kingsbury, but she has twenty-three books to her credit, including the best selling “On Every Side,” “Moments of Weakness,” and Halfway to Forever.”
I might have missed Karen’s work because of my male tendency to prefer fast action and complex legal thrillers. However, I am a real sucker for many of the Chick Flicks and Lifetime Channel movies, so when Pam finishes “Redemption,” I’ll give it a try and give it a review later.
Other outstanding authors of great modern Christian Fiction, like Randy Alcorn and Ted Deckker are well represented on this blog. There just isn’t any reason to read the secular folks any more. The message is better, the content is honoring to God, and the profits go to support the authors and publishers of material I’d rather buy more of in the future.
A place to discuss sexual purity, skepticism about science, the gospel of Jesus Christ, God's place in the World, how to parent, marriage success, great books by authors like Ted Dekker, Dr. James Dobson, Randy Alcorn, Bill Bright, and Tim LaHaye. Political discussions about role of politics in a Christ follower's life.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Part 13
Those who believe that the world and its people just came into being as a result of some random chance, and that there is no God running things, and that there is no heaven or hell, will be hard pressed to tell you that your life is meaningful. Meaningful to whom? Sure, you can be a good Mom or Dad, sister, brother, friend. You can invent something that will help folks or put people to work. Or you can contribute to your community through charitable activities and such. But at the end of the day, what would be the motivation of acting that way. Would it be more fun, more interesting, more satisfying. Or would a life of thrill seeking, travel, accumulation of wealth and things, wild unlimited sex, or drugs be more fulfilling. Who will you believe? One neighbor might say to be sacrificial for the greatest joy. The neighbor on the other side might say, lets smoke some dope.
13. God provides us with purpose for our lives. First, and foremost, we understand that what we do has an effect on all of creation. One small act on our part can result in the salvation of many or many 100’s of others. Or, our effort on behalf of a hurting human being can be rewarded later in heaven. We know, because the Bible says so, that each of us has been blessed with at least one special gift that can be used to the advantage of the Kingdom of God.
How many people who don’t know God feel purposeless because they feel useless. Anyone who completely trusts God knows God promise in this regard. By communicating with God through prayer and through the Bible, and through the wise counsel of Christian teachers, leaders, and friends, we can come to find the specific things that we are here on earth to do.
Many historians credit the Christian ethic with being the driving force behind the success of the American Experiment. It is this very unique aspect of Jesus teaching that results in the idea that we are here to work. We don’t work only to feed, clothe and house ourselves. In fact, we are to trust God for these things. We are to work because our work showers glory on Jesus. By our works they will know us. By our industry and the way we treat others, those who don’t know Jesus may wish to know more about our savior.
It isn’t an automatic. Once a person comes to Christ, they must continue their effort to know all about Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Through that effort, their purpose will become known.
To continue with part 14 go here
13. God provides us with purpose for our lives. First, and foremost, we understand that what we do has an effect on all of creation. One small act on our part can result in the salvation of many or many 100’s of others. Or, our effort on behalf of a hurting human being can be rewarded later in heaven. We know, because the Bible says so, that each of us has been blessed with at least one special gift that can be used to the advantage of the Kingdom of God.
How many people who don’t know God feel purposeless because they feel useless. Anyone who completely trusts God knows God promise in this regard. By communicating with God through prayer and through the Bible, and through the wise counsel of Christian teachers, leaders, and friends, we can come to find the specific things that we are here on earth to do.
Many historians credit the Christian ethic with being the driving force behind the success of the American Experiment. It is this very unique aspect of Jesus teaching that results in the idea that we are here to work. We don’t work only to feed, clothe and house ourselves. In fact, we are to trust God for these things. We are to work because our work showers glory on Jesus. By our works they will know us. By our industry and the way we treat others, those who don’t know Jesus may wish to know more about our savior.
It isn’t an automatic. Once a person comes to Christ, they must continue their effort to know all about Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Through that effort, their purpose will become known.
To continue with part 14 go here
Sunday, August 28, 2005
What to do in Hawaii

There is one big disadvantage of going to Hawaii for a vacation. You have to come home sometime. We are back into the rush or real life, and I'm only going to bore you with one photo. But if you're headed there anytime soon, here are a few things that our family does every time.
1. The America II is a racing schooner that actually finished 2nd in the Americus Cup race a number of years ago. It has been re-outfitted for normal folks to ride, but it is still fast and tons of fun. And it costs less than $40 for a 2 hour ride. One of the real bargains. When asked why they don't fill every seat every day, they said some folks are afraid of it. We've done it four times. With kids as young as seven. Nothing to be afraid of.
2. Rafting. Zodiak and others offer 6 and 12 passenger rafting adventures. The best are on Hawaii and Kauai with visits inside of sea caves, but if you're not visiting those islands, go for it on Maui or Oahu. Around $80 for 4 hours and two snorkeling spots. These rafts go fast enough to get airborne over bigger waves if the ocean is rough enough.
3. Volcano National Park. We call our trips eduvations because we are always looking for ways to learn while we travel. Nothing is better for learning than a trip to Volcano National Park. Great things to look at and do. Walk on lava flows. Breath sulfur from underground steam vents. $10 bucks to get into the park. However, it would be a great idea to stay the night at the hotel on the grounds are close by. Then you can take the 40 minute trip to see hot lava flowing off the cliffs of south Hawaii at night. We didn't do it that way this time, but will next time.
Best month to go. October. Great weather, but nobody goes then, so the tourist stuff is not overrun. Lots of bargains since shop owners are slow. November 15 to May 1 is very busy. Summers are hot and humid.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Part 12
If you want to find defeated human beings, it isn’t that hard. Some of the most defeated at all are the lonely. Visit an old folks home, or even many of the eldery in our society whose spouses are no longer with them. It isn’t really necessary to only check out older folks. There are millions of young people who aren’t connected in any meaningful way, who spend their evenings in front of tv’s or computers wishing they had companionship.
As stated in the opening paragraph, there are plenty of organizations that offer fellowship as part of membership. Social or community clubs, senior citizen centers, political and charitable organizations, and clubs built around hobbies or special interests are just a few of the choices ouit there.
And honestly, churches don’t always get thispart right. Many of today’s churches are putting a new focus on the idea through the small group movement, but there are those who are still not connected.
12. Fellowship with God, the local church, and the Body. One of the earliest mhods of organizing humans was set up in the first books of Genesis. It is clear from the beginning of the history of the Jews that we were to be part of a related world. In the new testament, Jesus says that the church is His body, and that every one has a part to play. The early church met in homes and broke bread together. They even established something like communes where the economy of the group was the primary economy.
Our need for fellowship starts with fellowship with the creator, God. One thing that you can count on from almost any Christian leader is many mentions per year of our need to be reading the Bible and praying at least an hour a day. Through this reading and prayer time we are supposed to get to know more about our first love. Through our selfless desire to know Him better, we are taught how to have relationships with others.
Most lonely people got that way because they are self-absorbed. It is not that much fun to hang out with a person who only talks about their own issues and never asks you about your life. Sure, some are lonely because they are just naturally shy, but to some extent that also derives from a lack of a normal healthy interest in the lives of others. To cure lonliness, invest in the life of another human being. Yes, there is potential for hurt. You may get rejected, or even after being accepted, get hurt later in the relationship. But there is no hope of ending loneliness until there is some risk taking.
So, Jesus points the way. As a useful member of the body, investing in the lives of others, using your gifts, skills, and experience to impact the lives of others, you will find individuals and groups who will desire relationship with you.
Finally, through your membership in the World Wide Body of the Church of Jesus Christ, you will find fellowship opportunities where ever you go. Almost one in three humans in the world claim Jesus as their savior. So, chances are if you strike up a conversation with three folks on an airplane or sitting at the counter of Denny’s tomorrow, at least one will be a Christian. As to the ones who aren’t, guess you could tell them what they’re missing.
Here is where you can find 13
As stated in the opening paragraph, there are plenty of organizations that offer fellowship as part of membership. Social or community clubs, senior citizen centers, political and charitable organizations, and clubs built around hobbies or special interests are just a few of the choices ouit there.
And honestly, churches don’t always get thispart right. Many of today’s churches are putting a new focus on the idea through the small group movement, but there are those who are still not connected.
12. Fellowship with God, the local church, and the Body. One of the earliest mhods of organizing humans was set up in the first books of Genesis. It is clear from the beginning of the history of the Jews that we were to be part of a related world. In the new testament, Jesus says that the church is His body, and that every one has a part to play. The early church met in homes and broke bread together. They even established something like communes where the economy of the group was the primary economy.
Our need for fellowship starts with fellowship with the creator, God. One thing that you can count on from almost any Christian leader is many mentions per year of our need to be reading the Bible and praying at least an hour a day. Through this reading and prayer time we are supposed to get to know more about our first love. Through our selfless desire to know Him better, we are taught how to have relationships with others.
Most lonely people got that way because they are self-absorbed. It is not that much fun to hang out with a person who only talks about their own issues and never asks you about your life. Sure, some are lonely because they are just naturally shy, but to some extent that also derives from a lack of a normal healthy interest in the lives of others. To cure lonliness, invest in the life of another human being. Yes, there is potential for hurt. You may get rejected, or even after being accepted, get hurt later in the relationship. But there is no hope of ending loneliness until there is some risk taking.
So, Jesus points the way. As a useful member of the body, investing in the lives of others, using your gifts, skills, and experience to impact the lives of others, you will find individuals and groups who will desire relationship with you.
Finally, through your membership in the World Wide Body of the Church of Jesus Christ, you will find fellowship opportunities where ever you go. Almost one in three humans in the world claim Jesus as their savior. So, chances are if you strike up a conversation with three folks on an airplane or sitting at the counter of Denny’s tomorrow, at least one will be a Christian. As to the ones who aren’t, guess you could tell them what they’re missing.
Here is where you can find 13
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Parts 10 and 11
The most natural thing in the world is to love the lovely, follow the winner, appreciate the star. As a spouse, parent, or child, it is easy to love when we are getting our way, being well treated, and seeing positive virtues in the loved one. But for every winner there is at least one loser, nobody is good at everything, and everyone has bad days.
However, I don’t know about you, I want my wife, kids, grandkids to love me at my worst, not just at my best. I need their love more on the day I fail than on the day I succeed. It’s real hard to get back on the horse after the fall, if the crowd walks away looking embarassed.
But then, all those folks in my life who I hope will love me without condition turn out to be human, too. They may understand the need to be completely forgiving, filled with grace, and hugely understanding of my failings and “unique” personality, but they are all too likely to “fail” sometimes or even often in this effort.
10. Receiving unconditional love from God. From the earliest age we teach the song Jesus Love Me to our kids. Then it is Jesus Loves the Little Children. God knows that he has built into each one of us a need to be loved. But when that love is based on conditions, it turns into something that drives us to behave in ways that we think will cause others to love us. These “ways” can be very distructive. Maybe I feel that my Mom will only love me if I perform well in school. That would seem like a good thing. Until I fail, that is. Or until I fail to meet what I believe or her expectations. Now I’m living my life for her, not for me.
Lets say that I believe that God’s love is conditional. How better to live my life than to be constantly comparing what I do to what Ithink God wants me to do? Then I fail, and I will. I think that God’s love is withdrawn. How do I recover from that? Strive harder? Work harder? Or give up in despair? God doesn’t intend that. He definitely wants us to work hard and do as he has has instructed us for our own good, not His good. He wants to be there to lift us up when we fail, not abandon us. The knowledge that God will be there, NO MATTER WHAT, even if everyone else has forsaken us, is a phenomenal comfort. If we truly trust in that one thing, it will carry us through much that we might otherwise become self destructive over.
11. Giving unconditional love through God’s example and strength. Since I am an imperfect being, like you, there are days when I find it easier to love my wife, children, friends than I do on some other days. Some folks say I’m very sensitive and prone to having my feelings hurt. Well, when that happens, its harder to love the person who caused the hurt.
Sometimes if a person hurts you often enough, you not only find it hard to love them, you choose (maybe even wisely) to withdraw from the relationship. However it is possible to continue to love a person through all of this, even after ending the relationship. In fact, Christ call on us to love our enemies.
So Jesus gives us the example, and calls on us to follow Him in this example. So what does it mean to love in this way. Willingness to sacrifice (Christ on the cross), prayer for their well being (Christ’s intervention with God for us), and the offer of complete forgiveness for any slight or hurt.
God knows that such love for others will benefit the person doing the loving even more than the one who is loved in such a way. There is great peace and assurance in living life with this attitude. There is great tension and unease in wondering and worrying about the intentions and attitudes of those who are at odds with you.
This kind of love is a choice. You have to make a willful decision to love this way. It doesn’t come as a result of a feeling. In other words, it is practical. I want my life to be better. Jesus says it will be better if I love others unconditionally, including my enemies. Therefore I choose to do so.
If you want to find defeated human beings, it isn’t that hard. Some of the most defeated at all are the lonely. Visit an old folks home, or even many of the eldery in our society whose spouses are no longer with them. It isn’t really necessary to only check out older folks. There are millions of young people who aren’t connected in any meaningful way, who spend their evenings in front of tv’s or computers wishing they had companionship.
As stated in the opening paragraph, there are plenty of organizations that offer fellowship as part of membership. Social or community clubs, senior citizen centers, political and charitable organizations, and clubs built around hobbies or special interests are just a few of the choices ouit there.
And honestly, churches don’t always get thispart right. Many of today’s churches are putting a new focus on the idea through the small group movement, but there are those who are still not connected.
Part 12 is next here
However, I don’t know about you, I want my wife, kids, grandkids to love me at my worst, not just at my best. I need their love more on the day I fail than on the day I succeed. It’s real hard to get back on the horse after the fall, if the crowd walks away looking embarassed.
But then, all those folks in my life who I hope will love me without condition turn out to be human, too. They may understand the need to be completely forgiving, filled with grace, and hugely understanding of my failings and “unique” personality, but they are all too likely to “fail” sometimes or even often in this effort.
10. Receiving unconditional love from God. From the earliest age we teach the song Jesus Love Me to our kids. Then it is Jesus Loves the Little Children. God knows that he has built into each one of us a need to be loved. But when that love is based on conditions, it turns into something that drives us to behave in ways that we think will cause others to love us. These “ways” can be very distructive. Maybe I feel that my Mom will only love me if I perform well in school. That would seem like a good thing. Until I fail, that is. Or until I fail to meet what I believe or her expectations. Now I’m living my life for her, not for me.
Lets say that I believe that God’s love is conditional. How better to live my life than to be constantly comparing what I do to what Ithink God wants me to do? Then I fail, and I will. I think that God’s love is withdrawn. How do I recover from that? Strive harder? Work harder? Or give up in despair? God doesn’t intend that. He definitely wants us to work hard and do as he has has instructed us for our own good, not His good. He wants to be there to lift us up when we fail, not abandon us. The knowledge that God will be there, NO MATTER WHAT, even if everyone else has forsaken us, is a phenomenal comfort. If we truly trust in that one thing, it will carry us through much that we might otherwise become self destructive over.
11. Giving unconditional love through God’s example and strength. Since I am an imperfect being, like you, there are days when I find it easier to love my wife, children, friends than I do on some other days. Some folks say I’m very sensitive and prone to having my feelings hurt. Well, when that happens, its harder to love the person who caused the hurt.
Sometimes if a person hurts you often enough, you not only find it hard to love them, you choose (maybe even wisely) to withdraw from the relationship. However it is possible to continue to love a person through all of this, even after ending the relationship. In fact, Christ call on us to love our enemies.
So Jesus gives us the example, and calls on us to follow Him in this example. So what does it mean to love in this way. Willingness to sacrifice (Christ on the cross), prayer for their well being (Christ’s intervention with God for us), and the offer of complete forgiveness for any slight or hurt.
God knows that such love for others will benefit the person doing the loving even more than the one who is loved in such a way. There is great peace and assurance in living life with this attitude. There is great tension and unease in wondering and worrying about the intentions and attitudes of those who are at odds with you.
This kind of love is a choice. You have to make a willful decision to love this way. It doesn’t come as a result of a feeling. In other words, it is practical. I want my life to be better. Jesus says it will be better if I love others unconditionally, including my enemies. Therefore I choose to do so.
If you want to find defeated human beings, it isn’t that hard. Some of the most defeated at all are the lonely. Visit an old folks home, or even many of the eldery in our society whose spouses are no longer with them. It isn’t really necessary to only check out older folks. There are millions of young people who aren’t connected in any meaningful way, who spend their evenings in front of tv’s or computers wishing they had companionship.
As stated in the opening paragraph, there are plenty of organizations that offer fellowship as part of membership. Social or community clubs, senior citizen centers, political and charitable organizations, and clubs built around hobbies or special interests are just a few of the choices ouit there.
And honestly, churches don’t always get thispart right. Many of today’s churches are putting a new focus on the idea through the small group movement, but there are those who are still not connected.
Part 12 is next here
Monday, August 15, 2005
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Part 8 and 9
Many psychologists have come to the conclusion that in 75% of their patients who are experiencing emotional illness, there is one main thing that stands in the way of a cure. These individuals have been badly hurt by one or more people in their lives. They may have been abused physically, emotionally, or sexually, or they may have been the victim of a tragedy at the hands of another.
This kind of event can cause great resentment, hurt, anger, desire for revenge, and/or helplessness because of being unable to be the avenger. These feelings often lead to bitterness which can show itself in depression, phycisal ailments, anger, substance abuse, or difficulty in having appropriate future relationships. The cure, say these same psychologists:
8. Forgiveness. Once the injured party truly and completely forgives the one who harmed him, these emotions can flow away, and often there is a dramatic reduction in the depression or other outward manifestation of the bitterness.
It is possible for a person to forgive another without scripture and God to help out. However, since forgiveness is one of the primary themes of the Bible, the directions contained there are light years ahead of anything humans have devised. For instance in the very next verse after the Disciples prayer in Matt 6:15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.
In my own experience I have counseled individuals who even claim they have no one to forgive or that they have experienced great hurt by another, but already forgiven them. Commonly, it turns out that the forgiveness has been cursory. They felt like they had to. Maybe to please a counselor or even as part of a Christian program. With Jesus and other examples, however, it is possible to forgive completely, from the heart. One way of measuring is to ask: “Do you still desire that this person come to some bad end?” If they can get to a point where they hope the best for the person, understanding that God will deal with them, miracles are possible in their symptoms.
9. Being forgiven. Clearly the corollary to this benefit of following Jesus is in knowing that the Creator of all things is standing ready to forgive you of even your most vile act. That moreover, he has asked your Christian brothers and sisters to forgive you as well. And that, he wants you go get passed the guilt and rage that may be burning inside of you as a result of your past bad actions.
In the same way that the Bible tells us to let go of bitterness towards others because we can’t control the consequences to them, and it isn’t our job anyway, God wants us to stop beating ourselve’s up. We are also unable to determine our own consequences, and the desire to punish ourselves or to wallow in our guilt lead to very destructive behaviors.
So God and Jesus provided example after example of how they forgave so that we could see that it was an important part of how we are to live.
10 and 11 are way cool. Go here
This kind of event can cause great resentment, hurt, anger, desire for revenge, and/or helplessness because of being unable to be the avenger. These feelings often lead to bitterness which can show itself in depression, phycisal ailments, anger, substance abuse, or difficulty in having appropriate future relationships. The cure, say these same psychologists:
8. Forgiveness. Once the injured party truly and completely forgives the one who harmed him, these emotions can flow away, and often there is a dramatic reduction in the depression or other outward manifestation of the bitterness.
It is possible for a person to forgive another without scripture and God to help out. However, since forgiveness is one of the primary themes of the Bible, the directions contained there are light years ahead of anything humans have devised. For instance in the very next verse after the Disciples prayer in Matt 6:15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.
In my own experience I have counseled individuals who even claim they have no one to forgive or that they have experienced great hurt by another, but already forgiven them. Commonly, it turns out that the forgiveness has been cursory. They felt like they had to. Maybe to please a counselor or even as part of a Christian program. With Jesus and other examples, however, it is possible to forgive completely, from the heart. One way of measuring is to ask: “Do you still desire that this person come to some bad end?” If they can get to a point where they hope the best for the person, understanding that God will deal with them, miracles are possible in their symptoms.
9. Being forgiven. Clearly the corollary to this benefit of following Jesus is in knowing that the Creator of all things is standing ready to forgive you of even your most vile act. That moreover, he has asked your Christian brothers and sisters to forgive you as well. And that, he wants you go get passed the guilt and rage that may be burning inside of you as a result of your past bad actions.
In the same way that the Bible tells us to let go of bitterness towards others because we can’t control the consequences to them, and it isn’t our job anyway, God wants us to stop beating ourselve’s up. We are also unable to determine our own consequences, and the desire to punish ourselves or to wallow in our guilt lead to very destructive behaviors.
So God and Jesus provided example after example of how they forgave so that we could see that it was an important part of how we are to live.
10 and 11 are way cool. Go here
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Part 5, 6, and 7
When we are children, and grandma gives us a present, we know exactly who to thank. She might get a big hug and kiss. She might even get a “Thank You, Grandma. I love you.” To a certain extent that kind of thing applies to our parents, too. We know that they are in control of our environment, what we get or don’t get, and they can make or break our day. As a result we find ourselves asking for things from them. Some kids are more bold about asking. Some or more shy. But they all ask.
The smart ones show their gratitude when they get what they ask for and when they get surprises or presents. This process of asking, receiving an answer, and offering gratitude is a very important part of how we interact for the rest of our lives. Not only will it effect the way that others deal with us, but it will to the extent that we are grateful for the things we receive from others, it will improve our peace of mind. We will be emotionally better off.
5. Boldness in asking for the things we need that are beyond human resources to provide.
6. Emotional health benefits of being grateful for everything we have and are.
7. Emotional health benefits of understanding that we don’t always get what we want in the way we want it.
Last Fall my Wife’s Mom was very sick with cancer. Everyone concerned did all that was humanly possible to slow down or stop the cancer. Each new remedy or lifestyle decision was met with hope of achieving the goal. There was comfort in knowing that professionals were using their talents and skills to help us reach the goal.
However, there was far more comfort and hope for all of us in going to God and imploring Him to provide a cure through medicine or through a miracle, if it would be His will. She prayed that. Her friends and family prayed for that. Even some of the healthcare professionals prayed on her behalf.
In addition to the calm that we enjoyed knowing that God was hearing our prayers, but there was also the joy in being able to “do something,” not merely stand around helpless. Sure, we could visit her, bring things to her, provide services over and above what the professionals offered. But without God in the equation, there would be nothing we could do to provide help towards an improvement in her health or an outright cure.
Once we had prayed, there were answers to those prayers. Sometimes there was progress. Sometimes the progress seemed miraculous. Sometimes the answer to prayer was just seeing how calm she was knowing that she would be cured “one way or the other.” Sometimes there were setbacks which required us to pray for our own renewal of hope in the face of hard realities. For all of these we gave thanks. We were truly grateful for every aspect of this time. Partially because we could trust God’s promise that everything has a purpose which will benefit the believer.
The process of giving thanks to our Lord is emotionally beneficial in itself. It helps to balance other emotions like anger, hurt, resentment, or anxiety which have all been shown to be unhealthy. The very lesson that these experiences teach mature us to deal in an adult way with disappointment.
Thanks for getting this far. Parts 8 and 9 follow here
The smart ones show their gratitude when they get what they ask for and when they get surprises or presents. This process of asking, receiving an answer, and offering gratitude is a very important part of how we interact for the rest of our lives. Not only will it effect the way that others deal with us, but it will to the extent that we are grateful for the things we receive from others, it will improve our peace of mind. We will be emotionally better off.
5. Boldness in asking for the things we need that are beyond human resources to provide.
6. Emotional health benefits of being grateful for everything we have and are.
7. Emotional health benefits of understanding that we don’t always get what we want in the way we want it.
Last Fall my Wife’s Mom was very sick with cancer. Everyone concerned did all that was humanly possible to slow down or stop the cancer. Each new remedy or lifestyle decision was met with hope of achieving the goal. There was comfort in knowing that professionals were using their talents and skills to help us reach the goal.
However, there was far more comfort and hope for all of us in going to God and imploring Him to provide a cure through medicine or through a miracle, if it would be His will. She prayed that. Her friends and family prayed for that. Even some of the healthcare professionals prayed on her behalf.
In addition to the calm that we enjoyed knowing that God was hearing our prayers, but there was also the joy in being able to “do something,” not merely stand around helpless. Sure, we could visit her, bring things to her, provide services over and above what the professionals offered. But without God in the equation, there would be nothing we could do to provide help towards an improvement in her health or an outright cure.
Once we had prayed, there were answers to those prayers. Sometimes there was progress. Sometimes the progress seemed miraculous. Sometimes the answer to prayer was just seeing how calm she was knowing that she would be cured “one way or the other.” Sometimes there were setbacks which required us to pray for our own renewal of hope in the face of hard realities. For all of these we gave thanks. We were truly grateful for every aspect of this time. Partially because we could trust God’s promise that everything has a purpose which will benefit the believer.
The process of giving thanks to our Lord is emotionally beneficial in itself. It helps to balance other emotions like anger, hurt, resentment, or anxiety which have all been shown to be unhealthy. The very lesson that these experiences teach mature us to deal in an adult way with disappointment.
Thanks for getting this far. Parts 8 and 9 follow here
Friday, August 12, 2005
GAS PRICES! What's All the Fuss?
No way do I like paying $50 to fill up my tank, but sometimes it is important to get a little perspective on things.
In 1969 my first apartment, a one bedroom, was 4 blocks from the beach in Santa Monica, and North of the famous Wilshire Blvd. For those who don't know, Wilshire separates the well-to-do from the very well-to-do. North is better. The apartment was $95 per month. Today, maybe $2000 for the same unit. 20X as much
I bought a really nice car, Dodge Challenger, new in 1970 for $4000 loaded. It got about 12 miles to the gallon. Today. $32,000 for the equivalent car and 22 mpg. 8X the price, almost double the gas mileage.
If my memory serves me well, gas was about $.29 at that time. So today, if it goes up just 10X that would be $2.90. But, we get double the gas mileage, so the real equivalent would be $5.80 in terms of real 2005 dollars.
You know the other prices in those days. Chocolate bar $.10, up from a nickel in the 50's. McDonalds, change back from $1.
Sure, some things cost less to, or you get way more for the same money. TV's, stereos, car tires, phone service.
Call me an optimist. I'm glad the rest of the world is getting wealthier. I think it means less chance they'll try to take away our stuff.
In 1969 my first apartment, a one bedroom, was 4 blocks from the beach in Santa Monica, and North of the famous Wilshire Blvd. For those who don't know, Wilshire separates the well-to-do from the very well-to-do. North is better. The apartment was $95 per month. Today, maybe $2000 for the same unit. 20X as much
I bought a really nice car, Dodge Challenger, new in 1970 for $4000 loaded. It got about 12 miles to the gallon. Today. $32,000 for the equivalent car and 22 mpg. 8X the price, almost double the gas mileage.
If my memory serves me well, gas was about $.29 at that time. So today, if it goes up just 10X that would be $2.90. But, we get double the gas mileage, so the real equivalent would be $5.80 in terms of real 2005 dollars.
You know the other prices in those days. Chocolate bar $.10, up from a nickel in the 50's. McDonalds, change back from $1.
Sure, some things cost less to, or you get way more for the same money. TV's, stereos, car tires, phone service.
Call me an optimist. I'm glad the rest of the world is getting wealthier. I think it means less chance they'll try to take away our stuff.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Part 4
Forty years ago in America, no one posed naked for a movie or TV show. Today, it is the norm, and almost everyone in the culture has watched a movie or TV show that included nudity.
Forty years ago in America, your family would have been scandalized if your child or even your cousin went to live with a member of the opposite sex and set up housekeeping together. Today, it is a common practice, and nobody says anything about it.
There are many, many more examples. Human morality is generally dictated, at least in part, by the ideas that are currently in fashion. Someone writes a persuasive book and a whole generation of children are raised without discipline. Someone sings a popular song, and drugs are a right of passage instead of a horrible tragedy in a person’s life. Someone tells a good story, true or not, and 40 million babies are aborted. A couple of scientists say that some human races are superior to others and 6 million Jews are slaughtered.
4. A touchstone that is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. A major practical advantage of the Bible is that it has an established moral code, hundreds of proverbs giving direction for living, and a complete world view to guide its adherents. The Bible is virtually unchanged for almost 2000 years, and the Old Testament dates back 2500 to 6000 years. The basics are unchanged. The Ten Commandments are still valid for today. The proverbs still ring true. The Psalms still provide guidance for all aspects of living. The primary themes of grace, redemption, forgiveness, righteousness, etc., are consistent from Genesis to Revelation.
From a practical standpoint, one can go to this Book and see that it has stood the test of time. When everything else created by man changes with the wind, or the fad, or the group in power, it is very reassuring to have a foundation that is solid as a rock. Then, when a new charismatic leader comes along and says that he has a new approach to how we should live, we can check it against God’s Word. If it fails that test, it is wrong.
Does it make sense to follow the whim of the week or the Rock of Ages? To test the answer, review the ideas of man that do not have support in the Bible and check out the consequences for those that followed them. See how long they remained as the current way to live. Usually it is only a generation, before the natural consequences of the errant behavior cause a backlash. Sometimes the society doesn’t wake up, and the entire culture is destroyed from within or without.
There are at least 14. 5, 6, and 7 are related and can be found here
Forty years ago in America, your family would have been scandalized if your child or even your cousin went to live with a member of the opposite sex and set up housekeeping together. Today, it is a common practice, and nobody says anything about it.
There are many, many more examples. Human morality is generally dictated, at least in part, by the ideas that are currently in fashion. Someone writes a persuasive book and a whole generation of children are raised without discipline. Someone sings a popular song, and drugs are a right of passage instead of a horrible tragedy in a person’s life. Someone tells a good story, true or not, and 40 million babies are aborted. A couple of scientists say that some human races are superior to others and 6 million Jews are slaughtered.
4. A touchstone that is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. A major practical advantage of the Bible is that it has an established moral code, hundreds of proverbs giving direction for living, and a complete world view to guide its adherents. The Bible is virtually unchanged for almost 2000 years, and the Old Testament dates back 2500 to 6000 years. The basics are unchanged. The Ten Commandments are still valid for today. The proverbs still ring true. The Psalms still provide guidance for all aspects of living. The primary themes of grace, redemption, forgiveness, righteousness, etc., are consistent from Genesis to Revelation.
From a practical standpoint, one can go to this Book and see that it has stood the test of time. When everything else created by man changes with the wind, or the fad, or the group in power, it is very reassuring to have a foundation that is solid as a rock. Then, when a new charismatic leader comes along and says that he has a new approach to how we should live, we can check it against God’s Word. If it fails that test, it is wrong.
Does it make sense to follow the whim of the week or the Rock of Ages? To test the answer, review the ideas of man that do not have support in the Bible and check out the consequences for those that followed them. See how long they remained as the current way to live. Usually it is only a generation, before the natural consequences of the errant behavior cause a backlash. Sometimes the society doesn’t wake up, and the entire culture is destroyed from within or without.
There are at least 14. 5, 6, and 7 are related and can be found here
Monday, August 08, 2005
A Well Deserved Vacation

You can read my feelings about vacations on an earlier post in detail. Suffice to say, I really like them. I especially love to visit my little grass shack. Nice for me, my Mom, Dad, Sister and her family live in Kihei. So, come Friday, we'll be jumping on board a jet plane, headed for paradise.
To make things even better, we'll be meeting up with my other sister and her family, and our daughter and her family. I'm not trying to make anyone jelous. Just blogging.
Don't forget about this spot while I'm gone, and do stop by the rest of this week. I'm sure I'll find something to say before I go.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Part 3
It is so hard for me to imagine being depressed all the time, or even for a short time. I’m a true optimist, a really sunny side of the street type. I also am blessed to have all my faculties (I think). It is hard to imagine not being able to hear, or speak, or see, or taste, or run. More good news for me is that I have a bit of talent in music and verbal communicating. So I can’t get behind the eyes of someone who struggles with music or creative writing. But I don’t feel the music like some. And my wife, Pam, communicates with a passion that makes folks cry. I can’t get there. Its a limitation I have tried to overcome. I would like to experience it, but people tell me it can’t be learned.
3. Seeing, feeling, experiencing the spiritual dimension. How difficult it must be to know that others can experience God, but you can’t. It would be worse than not having “soul” when you sing. It would be worse than being physically blind. It would be in some ways like the loneliness that some blind or hearing impaired people experience.
Life is incomplete without the spiritual senses activated. Sometimes I think it would be more like not knowing how to love someone else fully. Or not being able to get excited when its bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth, two out, 3-2 pitch. Or not being able to be completely overcome when seeing a magnificent sunset, rainbow, or Niagara Falls.
Life is really incomplete when you can’t feel the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding you through life. Everyone has a conscience, and some develop it very well without God. However, it is the Bible and its Interpreter, the Holy Spirit, that can provide answers to life’s issues that are not covered by other moral systems.
Being able to commune with the spiritual dimension as you walk through life provides a reduction in anxiety that comes when we think we are in charge of our lives, and it all depends on us. As an owner of a small business, it truly can be lonely at the top. Nobody else knows all the issues that go into my decisions, so they can be critical about my decisions with incomplete information. People without the Holy Spirit can feel that same loneliness, since no one else knows all of their personal circumstances. The Holy Spirit does. That provides peace of mind.
Yes, there is more, just click here
3. Seeing, feeling, experiencing the spiritual dimension. How difficult it must be to know that others can experience God, but you can’t. It would be worse than not having “soul” when you sing. It would be worse than being physically blind. It would be in some ways like the loneliness that some blind or hearing impaired people experience.
Life is incomplete without the spiritual senses activated. Sometimes I think it would be more like not knowing how to love someone else fully. Or not being able to get excited when its bases loaded in the bottom of the ninth, two out, 3-2 pitch. Or not being able to be completely overcome when seeing a magnificent sunset, rainbow, or Niagara Falls.
Life is really incomplete when you can’t feel the presence of the Holy Spirit guiding you through life. Everyone has a conscience, and some develop it very well without God. However, it is the Bible and its Interpreter, the Holy Spirit, that can provide answers to life’s issues that are not covered by other moral systems.
Being able to commune with the spiritual dimension as you walk through life provides a reduction in anxiety that comes when we think we are in charge of our lives, and it all depends on us. As an owner of a small business, it truly can be lonely at the top. Nobody else knows all the issues that go into my decisions, so they can be critical about my decisions with incomplete information. People without the Holy Spirit can feel that same loneliness, since no one else knows all of their personal circumstances. The Holy Spirit does. That provides peace of mind.
Yes, there is more, just click here
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Undocumented Worker Issue Won't Go Away On Its Own
I posted an article a while back, and so far it might be predictive of what is actually going to happen. However, the two bills in the Senate don't quite have the emphasis on border control that I would like to see.
To read the earlier post click here.
To read the earlier post click here.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Shift in Spending Habits - What Does It Mean?
Most of you who are reading this have probably already figured out that really important news goes through a big filter before it gets to you through the mass media. Here is another example of something that probably won't be reported today on CNN. However, you might want to make it a habit to visit Here is an amazing report that rings so true, but had never occurred to me. I also can't recall seeing a single thing in print that even suggested such a trend.
Think about this first in your own life and conversations. Does it ring true? If yes, what does it portend? Here is my take. We have all the junk we could ever need or want. Kids have to throw away toys to make room for new ones in their toyboxes. Really poor kids are paying $90 bucks for Nikes. Most adults I know are commonly throwing away perfectly good clothes, furniture, and appliances just to get the latest greatest.
So we have all the material stuff we need, and we're feeling empty, lonely, like "is that all there is?" Now we are trying to fill the hole some other way. Experiences might seem like the next best thing. Those will end up falling short of satisfaction, too. The experiences will need to be more and more bizarre and pushing all kinds of envelopes. Sound familiar? Much to think about here.
A report published today reveals a huge shift over the past 40 years in the way people spend their money.
While spending patterns in the 1960s were characterised by fulfilling basic needs and in the 1980s by materialism, the trend now is towards personal fulfilment and emotional happiness.
"Gone are the days when dinner party talk centred around what car or what consumer goods we own," the report says. "Now it's all about where we have been, what holidays we have taken, what we have seen or read."
Think about this first in your own life and conversations. Does it ring true? If yes, what does it portend? Here is my take. We have all the junk we could ever need or want. Kids have to throw away toys to make room for new ones in their toyboxes. Really poor kids are paying $90 bucks for Nikes. Most adults I know are commonly throwing away perfectly good clothes, furniture, and appliances just to get the latest greatest.
So we have all the material stuff we need, and we're feeling empty, lonely, like "is that all there is?" Now we are trying to fill the hole some other way. Experiences might seem like the next best thing. Those will end up falling short of satisfaction, too. The experiences will need to be more and more bizarre and pushing all kinds of envelopes. Sound familiar? Much to think about here.
Practical Advantages of Belief in God - Part 2
As mentioned earlier, I will be posting about 15 or more practical advantages of belief in God. Please don’t imagine that these reasons are in any order of importance. One man’s hope of heaven (#1 below) may be a small issue on his mind, but he may be very concerned about being in bondage.
2. Breaking the Bonds of Sin. In my own efforts at evangelism and in hearing and reading about the efforts of others, the most common objection to following Jesus is: It sounds great, but I just can’t give up _______.(Fill in the blank with drinking, cigarettes, sex outside of marriage, pornography, drugs, food, etc.) Jesus had a discussion with a rich young man who wanted to follow Him. Jesus said he would have to sell all he owned. The man said that was too hard.
Most humans are in bondage to something. In our culture, it may often be material things. However, the list above and many more things of this world are keeping folks from living life to the fullest. Most individuals who are a slave to one of these things may recognize that it is hurting them, their family, their career, or even their health, but they are still loathe to give it up.
When we choose Christ, we are told that we need to become a bond slave to Him, and that we can no longer have any “god” higher than Him. We are forced into a choice. And, after we become believers, we may learn that we are in bondage to other things that we weren’t even aware of. As we learn of these things, God, through the Holy Spirit, gives us the ability to overcome them. However, we do need to make those choices. God never forces us to do anything.
By trusting that there is a Holy God, and that He will provide us with the help we need to overcome sin in our lives, we can become FREE of these disabling sins. No one of sound mind could argue that every human will be better off if their life is not being overtaken by gluttony, sloth, sexual urges, or addictions. We will be physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially better by far.
Next advantage go here
2. Breaking the Bonds of Sin. In my own efforts at evangelism and in hearing and reading about the efforts of others, the most common objection to following Jesus is: It sounds great, but I just can’t give up _______.(Fill in the blank with drinking, cigarettes, sex outside of marriage, pornography, drugs, food, etc.) Jesus had a discussion with a rich young man who wanted to follow Him. Jesus said he would have to sell all he owned. The man said that was too hard.
Most humans are in bondage to something. In our culture, it may often be material things. However, the list above and many more things of this world are keeping folks from living life to the fullest. Most individuals who are a slave to one of these things may recognize that it is hurting them, their family, their career, or even their health, but they are still loathe to give it up.
When we choose Christ, we are told that we need to become a bond slave to Him, and that we can no longer have any “god” higher than Him. We are forced into a choice. And, after we become believers, we may learn that we are in bondage to other things that we weren’t even aware of. As we learn of these things, God, through the Holy Spirit, gives us the ability to overcome them. However, we do need to make those choices. God never forces us to do anything.
By trusting that there is a Holy God, and that He will provide us with the help we need to overcome sin in our lives, we can become FREE of these disabling sins. No one of sound mind could argue that every human will be better off if their life is not being overtaken by gluttony, sloth, sexual urges, or addictions. We will be physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially better by far.
Next advantage go here
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