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The Very First Word Spoken by John the Baptist to His Followers was "Repent"
When was the last time you
repented? To be more clear, when was the last time you sincerely
repented of a specific sin, crying out to God that you know just how much your
sin hurt Him, and asking for His help in turning from that sin and towards
I am going to venture a
guess that you are not much different than me, and that you can’t really recall
the last time you did any such thing. You may have recited the Lord’s
Prayer asking God to forgive your trespasses, but it is unlikely that you
contemplated at all, or at least for more than a few seconds, any specific sin.
This is the one of the most popular posts at this blog and part of the 7th chapter in a book that has been created here on this blog. The book will be available on Amazon.com April 26 under the title God Called - He Needs Your Decision! This will be the Kindle edition. The print edition will follow approximately May 15, and the audio is slated for availability around June 1.
Click here to buy on Kindle and see more reviews
The rest of this chapter was available free for almost a year, but has now been removed. It is my hope that you will truly enjoy the book and that it will bless you. Some have already reported their thoughts about the book. Early readers report below.
Serious Disciples of Jesus should read God Called - He Needs Your Decision! because, according to one reviewer:
If a baby were born and failed to thrive, the family would rightly consider it a great tragedy. When a Christian is born and fails to thrive, however, many people don’t notice. God Called—He Needs Your Decision! by Randy Kirk is an invitation to Christians to thrive. It is a spiritual counterattack to the widespread misconception that “being” a Christian is a passive state. Randy invites Christians to “do” Christianity.
Katherine Harms, Editor
Are you ready to ratchet up your devotion to God and Jesus to the next level?
God Called - He Needs Your Decision! is perfect for you
Do you sometimes feel stuck in your walk and desire to be of greater service?
God Called was written for Christians just like you
Are you the first to sign up for any seminar that teaches how to find out God’s will for your life?
The pathway to that answer for you is one click away.
God Called is not for the lukewarm - UNLESS you are ready to repent of being lukewarm
God Called is not for the prodigal - UNLESS you are tired of eating with the pigs
God Called is not for pew dusters - UNLESS you are prepared to step outside your comfort zone
Here’s what others are saying:
Even as a Pastor sometimes we can lose focus on what it really is to be a
true disciple of Christ.
I would recommend it to any Pastor or leader of a church
Great Stuff!
Robert Hill
Core Church Los Angeles
Just reading the first few pages, God spoke a quick word to me, setting me free from years of bondage to what people will think of me if I follow Jesus full out. Using Randy's simple steps of faith, this is a must-read for your next step in growing in grace.
Cheryl Colwell author The Secrets of Montebellis and The Proof
The Psalmist tells us that deep calls unto deep . . . Take the plunge into
the River of Life with Randy Kirk's newest book, God Called—He Needs Your Decision! and drink deep from the well that never runs dry. Find keys to intimacy with Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit hidden in plain sight. Come away refreshed and longing for more of Him.
Michael J. Webb, Bestselling Author of The Master's Quilt
God Called was written specifically for mature Christians who feel they have not really heard the Lord speak to them. These Christians truly want to hear the voice of God calling to them with an offer to serve in a capacity that is outside of their expectations.
Review these questions which might be holding you back from hearing God’s plan for your life:
Jesus says disciples need to carry their cross and follow Him. Can you do that?
Jesus said that disciples must hate mother and father (compared to Him) Is that you?
Jesus said that disciples must obey what he has commanded. Do you?
Jesus said that disciples must give up everything. Are you prepared to do so?
Dallas Willard says “very few Christians want to hear what God has to say. Do you?
Here’s a sample of the impactful words from God Called that have encouraged readers to take their Christianity to the next level:
Our Christian walk is always about how much we trust and believe, and whether we trust God enough to put aside our fear. Each stage of our maturing in Christ depends on our ability to repent of our unbelief, or pride, and our idols, and move to the next stage. This is true from our first profession of faith. It is true when we start each new discipline. It is true when we become aware of the depths of our sin and mindful of our need to be continually repenting. It is true when we become willing to be completely dependent on and open with God—intimate with Him. Then we must repent of our unbelief again if we are to fully surrender to a calling.
Don’t put off your decision to move closer to God and hear His voice. Get your copy of God Called - He Needs Your Decision! today and get started on a journey that will lead to a fully surrendered life.
Click here to buy on Kindle and see more reviews
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