Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Last Jihad by Joel Rosenberg

Some of you will know that I'm a total Johny-come-lately on this one. The Last Jihad hit the book shelves in 2003 and was a New York Times best seller. Joel Rosenberg ended up doing all kinds of talk show work because he "predicted 9/11." How could I have missed all this. Did Drudge report this? Was Rosenberg ever on The Factor?

In case you too were living in a cave during the last 4 years and completely missed the writings of Joel Rosenberg, take my advice and just go buy everything he has written. The first three, The Last Jihad, The Last Days, and Ezekiel Option make up a Trilogy of action packed, spy thrillers. The subject is World Politics, and Rosenberg has his pulse on real politic. He also has an amazing depth of knowledge about end-times theory.

Here are the reasons to read this trilogy. It is like Reading "24 Hours." Excellent storytelling, fantastic insights into political strategy, and the inside scoop on weapons, and the technology of war.

The books are better written and more intellectually satisfying fictional versions of end times than Left Behind. Rosenberg is a huge fan of Left Behind, and one can assume that LaHaye would return the compliment.

Even if you are not pre-trib, not even a fundamentalist, or not even a believer, you will be mesmerized by how these book parallel the front page of your daily paper. I'd give a couple of examples, but it would give away far too much.

Don't do another thing until you click on the book cover on this post and buy his entire output. (Yes, I will make about $.50. I promise to put it all in the offering plate.)

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