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Finish the race, and help someone else finish strong, too. |
No matter how you've done up until this point in your life, you face a decision
Has your Christian walk been a straight line? Do you get up every day, enter into authentic devotionals, connect heart-to-heart with the God during prayer, read your Bible with your ears open to the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit. Do you then go about your day loving God and others, giving others a picture of Jesus through your actions.Or maybe you are currently way off the path, even a prodigal. Or maybe you are the prodigals brother, whose self righteousness may have been the point of the parable. Maybe you're faithful, but prideful. Maybe your dealing with an area of significant sin in your life that is interfering with your ability to serve Jesus in the way that you could.
Most of us are somewhere in between these extremes. And I don't know anyone whose Christian walk doesn't resemble a roller coaster more than a smooth sail on a flat lake.
From my reading of the scriptures, God doesn't seem to be too concerned about what you've done up until now. Resting on your laurels and giving yourself a high five for what was done in the good old days can't be found in scripture. Have your actions been recorded and will they produce rewards in heaven? Sure! Are those accomplishments something that have produced good consequences for you and others? Of course! But the Bible seems to make clear that we need to continue to be strong in the faith and available to God's calling, right up until He calls us home. If you disagree, please note your scripture reference in the comments.
On the other hand, you may have had some rough times recently. Did you steal, hurt someone, lie, have sex outside of marriage? Have you been lukewarm in your faith. Jesus says he would spit lukewarm water out of His mouth. Maybe you just feel far from God, and your prayer and devotional time is missing or meager. Maybe you aren't in church or fellowshipping with other believers.
It is never too late. In the secular world there is a saying about tomorrow being the first day of the rest of your life. In the Bible we here the exact same thing very poetically:
Hebrews 12: 1 (NIV)” So let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us ”
1 Corinthians 9: 24 (NIV) ” Run in such away to win the prize."
2 Timothy 4: 7 to 8 (NIV)” I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, my coronation, which the Lord the righteous Judge, will award unto me on that day “.
Have you finished the race? Some of us act that way at times. What might you still accomplish in the time you have left?
I once taught a class in goal setting. One of the men in the class came up to me afterwards and said, "Randy, I'm 66 years old. How can I set 10 year goals. I'll be dead in 10 years."
Eleven years later I spoke with him about that conversation. We both enjoyed a good laugh over it. What might he have done during that decade if he had chosen to ask God for some opportunities to serve and listened for direction.
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Go to Amazon http://bit.ly/GodCalled |
Would you do me a favor. Go over to Amazon.com and pick up a copy of my new book, God Called - He Needs Your Decision! You can get it in Kindle, and it might be available in print too by the time you read this. Look at the reviews. Most of them come from solid Christian soldiers who are hard at work for Jesus. But almost ever reviewer talks about change that took place in their life after reading the book.
Buy it now at http://bit.ly/GodCalled
I honestly don't care about the money. I have a business that pays for my needs. If you can't afford it, send me an email. I'll find a way to get it to you for free. Do you have someone in mind who needs a copy? Can you gift them a copy? If not, send me an email. We'll get a copy to them. My personal email is RandyKirk77@gmail.com
The world badly needs a bunch of Christians to finish strong. The forces of evil are winning. We know the outcome, but we are still commanded to be faithful and hard at work until Jesus comes again. We need to be sowing the seed to the lost, then discipling those who accept the gift.
How else might you help in the effort to make disciples as commanded by Jesus. Let me know in the comments or by email.
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