Friday, June 03, 2005

Liberal Media Reformers Call for 'Truth' Over 'Balance'

If this article doesn't send a chill down your back, you need to check your vital signs.

( - Claiming that conservative bias is a "major crisis in the U.S. media," a panel of liberal journalists and media analysts said news organizations should promote "truth" over "balance."

"The conservatives have got us, as a country, now believing that balance -- giving both sides -- is the same as truth, and there are some things that are just false," said Linda Foley, president of The Newspaper Guild, during a panel discussion on media reform at the "Take Back America" conference in Washington, D.C.

"The discussion that we have to have balanced reports is kind of crazy" when a story is false, she added.

Take global warming, said Josh Silver, another panelist and executive director of the Fair Press media reform organization.

Silver said the United States is the only developed, industrialized country that still debates in the mainstream media whether or not global warming is happening. No need to give the other side on that topic, he was suggesting, since global warming is the truth.

Nice to hear the left finally announce that they do (think they) have a monopoly on the truth. Always keep that mindset in your head and heart when they say that Conservative Christians are absolutists.

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