Saturday, November 26, 2005

Writing For Publication

Just about everybody thinks they have one great novel or one great thought that is worth sharing with the world. Very, very few ever write even a paragraph that they submit for publication. Because many of my friends and associates know I have a fair list of published works in my resume, they sometimes ask advice about how to get their material published. Actually, some ask how to get it written, then should they actually write anything ....

Popular novelist and fellow blogger Robin Lee provides an advanced writing tip on her blog that has inspired me to begin posting from time-to-time on creative writing and getting published. Today's tip is to pick up a copy of Stephen King's On Writing.

You see, I think King might be the best writer of our generation. I don't tend to read his fictional works any more, because I don't find them uplifting or beneficial to my Christian walk. However, before I cared as much about those things, I read pretty much everything he ever wrote.

His special skill are scene setting and making you care passionately about his characters (before he kills them off.) He has a wonderful sense of humor that underlies almost everything he writes.

But, as a favor to the also rans, he as penned the best book on how to write and get published I have ever read, and I've got quite a few in my library. So, if you are so inclined, start by reading On Writing.

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