Thursday, July 28, 2005

A Little Sex Talk

If you are a married adult male, and you would like to improve your sex life, I have a recommendation. Buy yourself a copy of The Married Guy's Guide to Great Sex. This new book by Clifford and Joyce Penner is an easy read for even men who hate to read. It is filled with practical ideas that work. I will not tell you how I know that they work.

The Penners are known as the Master and Johnson of the Christian world. I think almost any Christian can read this without fear of their doctrinal ideas on sex being trampled. Chapters like "Sex is not a spectator sport," or "Have an Adventure With Your Wife," give you a taste of what to expect.

This is a book that can be read by your wife, also. In fact, the Penners suggest that you take turns reading it aloud to one another.

Of very great importance is a couple of chapters and several mentions of pornography and how to deal with it, if pornography is messing with you. Please note that there are several articles elsewhere on this blog that also deal with this important subject. If you are hooked on porn or think you might be headed that way, check out the articles, then get some help.

The book should be available anywhere, but for sure is available here

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